Frank Dinucci – An Avid Fundraiser and a Hopeful Father

A hopeful father Frank Dinucci working hard for Frank Jr.

A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be. So, here even I am going to talk about a father who is working hard for his son. Frank Dinucci is a hopeful father and has been raising funds along with his on Frank Dinucci Jr. Frank Dinucci Jr. is suffering from Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

They both are raising fund as University of Columbia could find cure of this disease. Frank is proud of his son and he is really looking forward to see his son walk and ailment free.

Let me tell also tell you about his family, Frank Dinucci is married to a beautiful lady and they both are blessed with two kids. 3 years old Daughter Isabelle and 6 years old son Frank Jr. All of them reside in Raleigh. When Frank Jr. was 3, he was diagnosed with Duchenne. Frank Jr. is an active child and loves to stay positive. And this is the reason he is still stable even after getting diagnosed with such huge disease.

Both father and son travel New York City to Raleigh to collect funds as the University could find the cure of this disease. There are lots of people who have come forward to help the father and son.

Both father and son likes spending time together and indulging in playful activities whenever they get time.

Let me tell you one incident, when Frank Jr. at 3 was diagnosed with such severe disease, his father lost all the hopes, but his son was very positive about it and seeing him, Frank Dinucci grew some positive factor in him. Now they both travel around 500 miles in a cargo bike. They only charge $10 for a ride, whether it is 5 miles or 500. They even offer them lunch and frozen ice cream.

Doing this, they both have raised enough funds in last 3 years. Frank Dinucci family has helped in advancement in the treatment opportunity, which has lead in increasing the life expectancy by 30.

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